Lócuston 17.04.22

Lócuston Calendar

Lócuston is an international consortium of fruit producers formed by the association of leading […]

Lócuston is an international consortium of fruit producers formed by the association of leading companies in the world’s fruit industry. They are well-established and recognized companies in the industry that offer quality products and excellence in customer service. They are financially solid and share the same principles of tradition, best business practices, food safety and social and environmental responsibility.

These outstanding features are some of the strict requirements that Lócuston demand from member companies for participation in the consortium, formed in 2011 to encourage and develop the international supply of fruits, vegetables and derivatives during all seasons of the year.

With wide-ranging and efficient management, Locuston offers its customers a great deal of high-quality products, without supply chain gaps.

Click the button below to see the calendar of the best production and the best purchase periods.
